18 June 2012

Econocom’s cooperation with Passerelles numériques

During the last 10 years I've worked for the Group, I've noticed an increasing awareness on Corporate Social Responsibility, not only within the market in general, but also within Econocom as an organization.

Econocom; Europe’s leading, manufacturer-independent ICT and ‘Smart Objects’ leasing and infrastructure management provider, employing 3.700 people,
Econocom is aware of the impact its business has:
  • in terms of society and the environment, as a service provider and via the products leased,   distributed and maintained,
  • in terms of the ethics of our business practices, the resources used and the carbon footprint produced in the course of our day-to-day activity.
Econocom joins the United Nations Global Impact
    Therefor Econocom joins the United Nations Global Compact, a voluntary initiative that is the mark of a responsible company, and which promotes corporate social responsibility and finding solutions to the inevitable consequences of global growth.

The cooperation between Econocom and Passerelles numériques follows Econocom’s corporate value “Proud to be responsible”. This value implicates that we take our individual, collective and social responsibility in all activities that we flourish. It’s important to us that Econocom and her employees participate in collective charitable actions, that provides the less fortunate of our world a better future.

Econocom became involved with Passerelles numériques in 2006 and:
-       provided tuition for 6 classes of 25 students for 2 years,
-       provided on-site training with hands-on involvement from Econocom staff volunteers,
-       supplied IT equipment.

Yin Leakhena is one of Passerelles numériques Cambodian students
Interview with one of the Cambodian graduated students:“My name is Yin Leakhena. My family is very poor and couldn’t afford to send me to university. I was lucky enough to meet Passerelles numériques, and have greatly improved my skills. I’m now working as an intern IT Support at Hyundai Amco (car manufacturer). This partnership has given me the opportunity to put my skills into practice and build my self-confidence. At the end of the internship, I’ll be able to find a job, help my family and continue to study.”

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