16 July 2012

The end of my mission in Cambodia

Yann ToutantAs part of a steering committee within the Econocom group to assist Passerelles numériques, I have been in Cambodia for the last two weeks to volunteer and bring value in the fund raising business model of PN. During these two weeks I have coached local managers on their commercial skills and strategy and helped the sales team to increase efficiency in their local fund raising activity.

This mission has been of a strong interest to me and from the feedback I’ve received from PN Cambodia I know that this feeling is shared. As a first time being in Asia and a first time working with an NGO, I have been pleased to notice the possible bridges between private and non-profit organizations.
I would like to emphasise the fact that, before departure, I have been very well supported (both on content and logistic) by the PN team in Paris and was warmly welcomed by the local staff and students. If you add this to the natural friendly behaviour of Cambodian people towards
                                   foreigners, it makes this mission an unforgettable experience to me.

The main achievement of this mission is that the PN scholarship is turning into an offer for their local companies; that PN Cambodia can deliver added value to the local businesses and can sell it. The first steps in this direction have already been taken by the design of the scholarship offer, my mission has mainly been focused around the commercial skills and the changes for the commercial department organization to be taken.
After having made some company visits, I am positively surprised by the booming market of Cambodia. I am convinced that Passerelles numériques will benefit from this situation and become one of its main IT related NGO players.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Passerelles numériques in general for opening the organization to external people and give them the room to contribute. And of course a warm thank you to the staff and students of PN Cambodia without forgetting the Econocom people involved in this mission for their appreciated support.

Finishing the mission, I have the strong feeling that this is only the beginning of a long story...

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